Writer ~ Enthusiast ~ Ministry Leader ~
Nurturing and empowering children to stand firm on God's Word because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. (Matthew 5:10)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Forgiveness Friday: Banana Wall Edible Craft

Bible focus points: forgiveness, prayer
Bible focus verses: “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:14-15 (NLT)
Age recommendation: ages 6 and up

Banana Wall Edible Craft
(Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie)
Created by Tarah Hutchinson

Get excited because this is an opportunity for the children to play with their food and enjoy a healthy snack!

Note: This activity requires parent assistance due to the use of kitchen utensils and electronics.

Materials (Ingredients):
butter knife
1 small banana (or 1/2 a large banana)
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
1 Tbsp. honey
1 cup skim milk

You say:
 Share with the children that God is a forgiving God, and wants to forgive us daily for our sins and wrong doings.  Provide an example of something you did yesterday or today that requires some Godly forgiveness.  Each time we ask for forgiveness for ourselves or for help to forgive someone who has done something wrong to us, we are saying a prayer.  We pray every time we talk to God.

We are going to build a wall out of our bananas.  And, this wall will show what it is like when we do not forgive.

Peel and cut the banana into 1/2 inch segments.  Measure and set aside the peanut butter, honey, and skim milk for easy access.
Have the children line 3 or 4 banana segments in a row on the plate.  Then, layer a row of peanut butter on top of those bananas (like you were a brick layer).  Continue to layer bananas and peanut butter until you have used every banana segment.

You say:
Have the children imagine that each banana represents a sin that someone else has done to them and needs to be forgiven.  Picture themselves on one side of the wall and God on the other.  God can't see you, and God can't give you forgiveness, love and blessings; because, there is a wall in the way.

Now, pick up the spoon and use it like a microphone.  Point out 1 or 2 banana segments and speak into your "microphone" like you are talking to God, ask God to help you forgive that person who has sinned against you.  After you have said the prayer, pick up the banana segment and peanut butter and place it into the blender.

Once the wall that separated you from God is gone (and in the blender), you can now receive God's forgiveness, love, and blessings.

Add the remaining ingredients to the blender.  Turn on the blender and enjoy your treat! 


  1. I like the example you used with the food to show what happens when you do not forgive. Great examples of how to interact with children and show them how to forgive.

    Blessing to you!!!!

  2. This is a beautiful way to teach God's forgiveness! I was blessed by the example as well! Awesome!
