Writer ~ Enthusiast ~ Ministry Leader ~
Nurturing and empowering children to stand firm on God's Word because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. (Matthew 5:10)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Word Find Game: "Who Do You Say That I Am?"

Bible focus points: Jesus, Messiah
Bible focus verses: "Then He asked them, "But who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." Matthew 16:15-16 (NLT)
Age recommendation: ages 8 and up
Word Find Game: "Who Do You Say That I Am?"
created by Tarah Hutchinson

How many words can you find in

example: message

With Resurrection Sunday celebrations right around the corner, now is the perfect time to strike up a conversation at home or in a small group answering the question "who is Jesus?" When I ask this question I get the following answers a lot: the Son of God, a special friend, and He died on the cross.  But most of the time, I am longing to hear the responses: Savior, Messiah, Redeemer.  My assumption is 'you are too.'

In the simple statement "Jesus is God and Messiah," you have already given Jesus two names that can be elaborated and reviewed. 
         - Jesus is God's Son who became God on Earth with us.
         - Messiah is the "Anointed One" sent by God to pay for our sins.
         - As our Savior, He rescued us from the dangers and destruction of sin.
         - As our Redeemer, He paid an ultimate price to reconnect us to God.

Remind the children that recognizing who Jesus was, was so important that He gave the disciples themselves a little pop quiz.

I've seen children have a blast with this fast activity.  Once time runs out (time it to create more of a challenge), they groan and moan that they had more words in mind.  I myself only came up with 20 words.

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