Writer ~ Enthusiast ~ Ministry Leader ~
Nurturing and empowering children to stand firm on God's Word because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. (Matthew 5:10)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Triumphal Entry of Jesus

This lesson and discussion is not my own.  But, it is a wonderful way to discuss the Triumphal Entry of Jesus with the children of your lives.  Today is Palm Sunday, welcome this Holy Week with a brief talk over meal time or during a family outing.

I pulled this short talk from www.kidssundayschool.com:

Have you ever been in a place where someone famous was going to perform, perhaps a concert or a ball game? What did you do when the famous person finally arrived?

Every year the Jewish people celebrate Passover to remember the time God protected them from death during the tenth plague on Egypt. After that plague, the Pharaoh of Egypt freed all the Israelites from slavery. One year, as the people came to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast, they heard that their special King was also coming, so they all went out to the road to praise Him. How do you think they reacted when their King arrived?

Matthew 21:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry)

Discussion Questions:
1. What did Jesus say his disciples would find in the village? (Donkey and her colt)

2. How did the disciples prepare the donkey for Jesus? (They laid their cloaks or clothes on them)

3. What did the crowds spread on the road before Jesus? (Some laid cloaks, others branches)

4. What did the people shout? Why did they do this? (They shouted Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! because they were full of joy.)

5. If you were among the crowds, how would you have shown your joy when you saw Jesus?

6. Why do you think Jesus was riding on a donkey? Why not a horse? (To show humility.)

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